Pursuant to relevant provisions of the Separate Agreement to the Loan Agreement and the Grant Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and KfW dated April 23, 2020, the Procurement Notice referring to the procurement of equipment and works for the rehabilitation of district heating networks in Jagodina, Bor, Negotin and Senta has been published in Serbian daily newspaper “Politika” and on GTAI and MoME’s web sites on January 30, 2023.
Thus, on January 30, 2023, the Prequalifiction stage of the Tender process has been started.
Dana 30.01.2023. godine, u skladu sa odgovarajućim odredbama Posebnog sporazuma uz Sporazum o zajmu i uz Sporazum o donaciji, potpisanog između Republike Srbije i KfW-a 23. aprila 2020. godine, u dnevnom listu “Politika” za celu Srbiju, kao i na web-situ GTAI i MRE, objavljen je Procurement Notice, odnosno Obaveštenje o nabavci opreme i radova na toplotnim podstanicama u Boru, Negotinu i Senti.
Time je 30.01.2023. godine započeta Pretkvalifikaciona faza tenderske procedure.
On April 19th, 2022, the first stage of the tendering process (Prequalification) began by publication of Procurement Notice:
Based on the KfW’s Non-objection dated July 1, 2022 and CPIU Decision No 31, dated July 5, 2022, the following Applicants have been prequalified for participation in Stage 2 related to “Design, Supply and Installation of Heat Production Facilities for the Rehabilitation of District Heating Systems ”:
Based on the KfW’s “no objection” dated December 19th, 2022 and CPIU Decision No 38 dated December 22th, 2022, the Tender ““Engineering, Supply of Goods and Works for the Rehabilitation and Installation of Substations in District Heating Companies (Yellow FIDIC)” (MoME’s Ref No: 401-00-00195/2021-06, KfW Procurement No: 507194) has been cancelled.
Based on the KfW’s “no objection” dated November 4, 2022 and CPIU Decision No 35 dated November 29, 2022, the Tender “Engineering, Supply of Goods and Construction Works for the Rehabilitation and Extension of District Heating Networks (Yellow FIDIC)” (MoME’s Ref No: 401-00-00194/2021-06, KfW Procurement No: 507428) has been cancelled.
Pursuant to relevant provisions of the Separate Agreement to the Loan Agreement and the Grant Agreement, between the Republic of Serbia and KfW dated April 23, 2020, the Procurement Notice referring to the procurement of equipment and works for the rehabilitation of the Boiler House “Cerak” in Belgrade has been published in Serbian daily newspaper “Politika” and on GTAI and MoME’s web sites on July 11, 2022.
On July 11, 2022 the tender process started by publication of procurement notices:
On May 13, 2022 the Trilateral Contracts between RoS represented by the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Mining and Energy, the DHC from Belgrade and the City of Belgrade were signed and entered into force. On July 04, 2022 the Investment Plans, being integral part of the Trilateral Contracts, were signed as well.
Pursuant to relevant provisions of the Separate Agreement to the Loan Agreement and the Grant Agreement, between the Republic of Serbia and KfW dated April 23, 2020, the Procurement Notice referring to the procurement of equipment and works for the rehabilitation of boiler house in Leskovac, Negotin and Nis has been published in Serbian daily newspaper “Politika” and on GTAI and MoME’s web sites on April 19, 2022.
On April 19, 2022, the tender process started by publication of procurement notices:
On September 27, 2021, the first stage of the tendering process - the prequalification process began by publication of procurement notices:
Based on the KfW’s Non-objection letter dated February 3, 2022 and CPIU Decision No 20, dated February 7, 2022, the following Applicants have been prequalified for participation in Stage 2 related to “Engineering, Supply of Goods and Construction Works for the Rehabilitation and Extension of District Heating Networks (Yellow FIDIC)”:
Pursuant to relevant provisions of the Separate Agreement to the Loan Agreement and the Grant Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and KfW dated April 23, 2020, the Procurement Notice referring to the procurement of equipment and works for the rehabilitation of district heating networks in Leskovac and Nis has been published in Serbian daily newspaper “Politika” and on GTAI and MoME’s web sites on February 22, 2022.
On February 22, 2022, the tender process started by publication of procurement notices:
On 03.08.2021, the first stage of the tendering process, this being the prequalification process, was started by publication of procurement notices in
Based on the KfW’s “no objection” dated 28.12.2021 and CPIU Decision No 19, dated 27.01.2022, the following Applicants have been prequalified for participation in Stage 2 related to “Engineering, Supply of Goods and Works for the Rehabilitation and Installation of Substations in District Heating Companies (Yellow FIDIC)”:
Based on the KfW’s “no objection” dated October 29th, 2021 and CPIU Decision No 17 dated November 3rd, 2021, the Tender “Supply of Goods and Construction Works for the Rehabilitation and Extension of District Heating Networks (Pink FIDIC)” (MoME’s Ref No: 401-00-00573/2020-06, KfW Procurement No: 506850) has been cancelled.
On October 15, 2021 the Trilateral Contracts between RoS represented by the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Mining and Energy, the DHCs from Bor, Jagodina, Leskovac, Negotin, Niš and Senta and their respective Local Self-governments were signed and entered into force. On the same date, the Investment Plans, being integral part of the Trilateral Contracts, were signed as well. Thus, the Project legal base referring to those 6 Project participants has been completed.
Pursuant to relevant provisions of the Separate Agreement to the Loan Agreement and the Grant Agreement, between the Republic of Serbia and KfW dated 23rd April 2020, on the 27th September 2021, the Procurement Notice referring to the procurement of equipment and works for the rehabilitation of district heating networks in Senta, Jagodina, Bor and Negotin, has been published in Serbian the daily newspaper “Politika” and on GTAI and MoME’s web sites.
The document may be downloaded using the following links:Pursuant to relevant provisions of the Separate Agreement to the Loan Agreement and the Grant Agreement, between the Republic of Serbia and KfW dated 23rd April 2020, on the 03rd August 2021, the Procurement Notice referring to the procurement of Engineering, Supply of Goods and Works for the Rehabilitation and Installation of Substations in District Heating Companies (Yellow FIDIC) in Bor, Negotin and Senta, has been published in Serbian the daily newspaper “Politika” and on GTAI and MoME’s web sites.
The document may be downloaded using the following links:
Pursuant to relevant provisions of the Separate Agreement to the Loan Agreement and the Grant Agreement, between the Republic of Serbia and KfW dated 23rd April 2020, on the 25th May 2021, the Procurement Notice referring to the procurement of equipment and works for the rehabilitation of district heating networks in Leskovac and Nis, has been published in Serbian the daily newspaper “Politika” and on GTAI and MoME’s web sites.
The document may be downloaded using the following links: